Let’s Play A Net Game: Scooby Doo Hollywood Horror

Solve a mystery in two spooky episodes.

Opening screen of Scooby Doo Hollywood Horror Episode 1
Opening screen of Episode 1

Game: Scooby Doo Hollywood Horror
Creator: Cartoon Network
Released: Late 2000 or Early 2001
Play it here:
Episode 1: https://www.skyetheguy.com/CNGames/hollywood_horror/1.html
Episode 2: http://stl.dreamerstoday.com/CNGames/hollywood_horror/2.html

I’ve been gone for a long time without any posts or streams but now I’m hoping to get things going again. What better way to celebrate free time with a new live stream? It was a LOT quicker than I expected (only half an hour!), but it was a nice little comeback for now. This was a game I’d played while it was still on Cartoon Network’s website back in the day and had since forgotten about after all these years. Continue reading “Let’s Play A Net Game: Scooby Doo Hollywood Horror”